Create a larger kite using a banana for the outline and fruit for the colorful filling. Use yogurt to draw a string.
Use yogurt or whipped cream for a cloud.
Make this into a dessert by making the kite out of a s’more or a brownie/bar you have on hand.
Do you own a kite? Last summer, we took the girls to a kite festival. They got to see professional kite flyers putting on a great air show. There was music, and even a chance for the kids to make their own kites. Granted, the kites they got to make were only out of paper, but it was a great way to introduce the kids to all that kites can do when flown right!
To create this kite lunch, take a peanut butter sandwich and cut a diamond. Next, slice a baby carrot into thin sections to create the criss cross over the kite. To make the string, slice a banana into a thin strip, and place strawberries over it to look like bows.
Show that the kite is in the sky by adding a bird made of sliced apples and a puffy cottage cheese cloud.
The Fall of Man (Genesis 3)
This lunch is intended to teach the kids about the fall of man. Read Genesis 3 or “The Sneaky Snake” story in the children’s bible. Talk about how the serpent deceived Eve into thinking she would be like God by eating of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Create the tree by using a a trunk of a ham sandwich, cut into the shape of a “Y”. Use cucumbers for the greenery on top, and any red fruit you have on hand for the fruit that Eve picked. I used strawberries.
Next, create Eve by using four baby carrots, positioned with a torso and legs, and cut one in half or into fourths lengthwise to use for her arms. Create her head by placing a round cracker on top of the body. Add raisin eyes, a strawberry mouth, and shredded cheese for hair.
Finally, use blueberries to make the serpent in the tree. I put a tiny smiley face on him using the shredded cheese, because he was very glad to cause the woman to sin against God.
This lunch was one of my daughter’s favorites yet!
(linked HERE)

Hot air balloon
Hot air balloon: The basket is a graham cracker, ropes are string cheese thinly cut, balloon circle is made from a banana cut in half lengthwise and made to look like a circle, interior is strawberries and celery. The clouds are cottage cheese and the people are carrots with raisins cut into fourths!
(linked HERE)

Flower Pot Snack
When my daughter and I first started making food art, one of the first creative snacks we thought of was this basket of flowers.
The best thing about making a flower arrangement is that it is totally customizable. You can make flower out of just about any nutritious food. Fruits and vegetables are especially perfect because of their bright, beautiful colors.
I like this snack because of the variety of food groups represented, as well as the way it showcases the beautiful colors of the fruits and veggies.
Other great foods to use for flowers:
bell pepper
hummus: pipe onto plate with a beautiful tip using your cake decorating supplies!
Use your imagination! I’m sure you will come up with a fantastic plate! Make one today!
If you enjoyed this snack, you might like our other flower snacks, as well as our nature inspired snacks and everyday scenes.
(Sharing HERE)
Did you enjoy today’s snack? Learn more about this blog here.
Cottage Cheese Lamb
Create a little lamb for your little lamb by using some mozzarella cheese cut into somewhat of an oval for the face and little rectangles with a point cut out for the legs.
Next, use a small spoon and lay cottage cheese for the head, body, and tail. cut a baby carrot in half for the ears, and give him some grass to walk on. Can you think of a more perfect use of cottage cheese?
(linked HERE)

Disney’s "Up" Lunch
One of our favorite Disney movies is their film”Up”. It is a such a good movie to watch with the kids. We love making cute snacks to go along with our favorite Disney movies like we did for with Mike Wazowski from Monster’s Inc, Mickey Mouse,
was so creative, and what I love about having lots of fruits and vegetables in the house is the ability to take all those colors and use them to create something like this. The balloons are made of bananas, green grapes, strawberries, blueberries, carrots, and red grapes. Shape each fruit or veggie like a circle. Next, make your house. I used half of a graham cracker and a triangle Triscuit cracker for the roof. Windows are made of thin wheels of string cheese. I took that same string cheese and peeled it into thin pieces to use as the strings for the balloons. Finish off the house with a banana wheel cut into a rectangle shape, and you have a fabulous and colorful “Up” lunch.
(linked HERE)

Jonah in the Big Fish
Create the story of Jonah in the belly of the big fish! Big Fish: cantaloupe sliced through without cutting in half; Jonah: Baby carrot with raisin eyes; Spout: cheerios; Eyes and Mouth of Fish: red grapes.
Read the story of Jonah and the Big Fish (the book of Jonah in the Old Testament) or in this great Bible for kids.
(linked HERE)

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
We all love the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
Take a morning and read the story with your child, then talk about all the foods the caterpillar ate, and perhaps talk about which of the foods he ate were nutritious and which were not.
Then, create him yourself! Take a large strawberry and slice to create his head. Next, create his eyes by using little bits of pineapple cut into circles and place sliced green jelly belly candies in front. Form his body with green grapes , carrot feet, raisin mouth, and ham antennae. He is walking on an oatmeal ground and taking in the cheddar cheese sun!
(linked HERE)
The Friendly Mr. Owl
Meet the friendly Mr. Owl. His head/body is a peanut butter sandwich, his eyes are Ritz crackers with blueberries, wings and strawberries. His beak and feet are carrots, and the moon is a banana. I created those stars by placing some plain yogurt in my cake-decorating bag and using the star shaped tip. I’m not gonna lie, that was going a little above and beyond, You could easily just dab the yogurt on with a small spoon if you want to recreate this guy!
We saw a helicopter in the sky this morning, so that was today’s creative lunch. A helicopter body is made of a peanut butter sandwich, then baby carrots were positioned for the blades atop the helicopter as well as the feet. Windows are sliced string cheese and clouds are made of cottage cheese.
(linked HERE)