Peach Dream Smoothie

Welcome to our Best Smoothies for Kids series. These are the most nutritious and tasty smoothies that almost any kid will love. If you’re just joining us, make sure to see (and pin!) the Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie and the Pineapple Orange Coconut Smoothie. Today’s smoothie has a rich, smooth, creamy flavor that will make […]

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party Ideas
Minnie Mouse is one of the most endearing characters in Disney’s lineup. Sweet, kind, charming, and understanding, she is a great example for little girls to enjoy watching in their favorite movies and TV shows. My girls love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the Disney channel, and today we will be sharing some finger foods for […]

Weekly Kid’s Co-op
It’s time for the Weekly Kids Co-op! As moms, we are constantly on the lookout for great teaching tools and resources to use with our children. I know I always benefit from seeing the creativity of others as they share lessons, activities, crafts, food, and more in their various blogs. Mommy bloggers have become popular […]

Memorial Day Craft: Make Your Own (Edible) American Flag
Memorial day is right around the corner. It’s a time to celebrate and remember those who gave their lives fighting for our country’s freedom. We are so fortunate to have all we do in this country, and taking a few minutes out to celebrate that is a good thing. Today we are celebrating our country […]

Creative Kid Snacks on TV
The girls and I were thrilled to see some of our snacks featured on The Dr. Oz Show yesterday. They did a small segment at the end of the show about how some moms are using “food art” or “healthy plate art” to encourage their kids to eat healthy foods. These were the snacks created […]

Weekly Kid’s Co-op
It’s time for the Weekly Kids Co-op! As moms, we are constantly on the lookout for great teaching tools and resources to use with our children. I know I always benefit from seeing the creativity of others as they share lessons, activities, crafts, food, and more in their various blogs. Mommy bloggers have become popular […]

Learning about Cells
I remember learning about cells when I was in 7th grade. For extra credit, I made a cell cake. My mom helped me decorate a round cake and create all of the cell components on top using different colored icing and piping instruments. The cake turned out so well that my teacher decided to place […]

ViveVita Everyday Elegance Chair Covers: Review and GIVEAWAY!
We Love Kids. Kids Make Messes. So, most of us reading this blog are parents. Parents who have kids. Kids who love to eat delicious and creative food like we make here. We love thinking up new ways we can make meal time healthy and FUN for our kids. Sometimes, however, meal time isn’t that […]

Weekly Kid’s Co-op
It’s time for the Weekly Kids Co-op! As moms, we are constantly on the lookout for great teaching tools and resources to use with our children. I know I always benefit from seeing the creativity of others as they share lessons, activities, crafts, food, and more in their various blogs. Mommy bloggers have become popular […]

Finding Nemo Snack
Finding Nemo is one of Disney’s most beloved movies. Even my two year old, who is scared of some of the other Disney movies at her age, likes Finding Nemo (although she does hold her sister’s hand during the shark part when we watch it at home). We love all of the characters, including Dory, […]

Take Me Out to the Ball Game
How many baseball fans do we have out there? Kids in little league? T-ball? I’ve got a few fun ideas for you today inspired by one of our favorite game-day snacks: Beer Nuts! ………………… I was so excited when Beer Nuts offered to send us some of their nuts to see what cute snacks we […]