“Let it Go, Let it Go”, “Do you want to build a snowman?”, “For the first time in Forever” . . . Frozen songs have been playing in our house for months, without either daughter ever getting tired of them! Frozen characters like Elsa and Anna are among the most popular Halloween costumes, birthday party themes, and clothing, backpack, and lunch bag designs. I decided to surprise my little Frozen fan with a nutritious and beautiful Elsa snack!
1 banana
1 1/2 slices white cheese (mozzarella or provolone work well)
3 T greek yogurt
1 each – blueberry, strawberry, grape
Slice a curved banana in half lengthwise (use a curved one as opposed to a straighter one). Set aside. Trim cheese to an oval shape for Elsa’s face. Use a knife to cut almond shapes for elsa’s eyes out of the cheese as well. Place face onto plate. Slice a blueberry in half, and place atop almond shaped cheese for Elsa’s eyes. Slice a triangle nose along with a handful of thin lines out of remaining cheese and set aside. Slice a strawberry in half and then cut the widest part off of the top of one of the halves for Elsa’s mouth. Add one banana half to the right of Elsa’s face. Trim a small amount from the other banana half to place on the top of her head. Next, take the thin cheese strips and arrange on top of the banana in a criss-cross pattern to look like a braid. I used a couple of thin banana strips on the top of this Elsa’s head.
Spoon several tablespoons of greek or plain yogurt into a zip bag. Trim off a tiny corner of the bag. Pipe the yogurt in a circular pattern at the intersection of the two bananas to cover that and look like a flower. Next, pipe some simple snowflakes all around the plate to reinforce the winter theme! Finally, take a couple thin slices of grapes and place next to the yogurt “flower” to resemble little leaves.
My little Frozen fan LOVED this snack! If you enjoyed this snack, be sure to check out our other Disney snacks as well as our movie inspired creations!
Judy C. Gonzales says
nice recipe, today is my kid birthday, I’ll prepare it 😀
Natalia says
Una bellissima inziiativa, soprattutto per chi non sempre ha la possibilite0 di farsi consigliare da un occhio esperto durante gli acquisti! Lo proverf2, grazie per il suggerimento!
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