Teaching Bible Stories to my kids is something I love to do. We have an awesome Children’s Bible that we read together most nights before bed, and it has been so cool to see my girls learning the stories and remembering them as we see them over and over.
One way to reinforce what we have been reading in the Bible is to make a snack about it. Basically, we are using the tools we have available (in this case, food) to create an artistic visual of the story. It is a way to celebrate what we are learning in scripture and a tool to use to help kids retell and remember the story.
Jacob’s dream is a fascinating bible story. Jacob is on the road, fleeing from his brother Esau, and going to his uncle Laban’s house. On his journey he lies down to sleep, using a rock as a pillow. While he sleeps, he dreams of a great ladder going towards heaven, with angels ascending and descending. Can you imagine seeing that? Jacob awoke from the dream saying to himself, “surely God is in this place”, and he took the stone pillow he had used and placed it as a pillar to remember the way God had met him there. He called that place Bethel.
Yogurt (plain or vanilla)
Fresh pineapple
1 baby carrot
small turkey/tortilla wrap
Slice a fresh pineapple into thin sections about one inch wide, and lay onto plate, pushing them gently to look like a diagonal staircase. Next, spoon yogurt into a plastic baggie, snip a tiny corner off of the bag, and pipe yogurt onto the plate in little swirls to make the cloud. Use the method shown below.
Use the same technique to make the angel’s body and dream bubble as shown. This does not have to be perfect (you can see mine is not!) but just enough to get the idea.
Slice a baby carrot in half lengthwise and lay one half on the plate. Slice two thin legs out of the other half and place beneath the body. Use a small section of a turkey wrap to look like the stone pillow, and you are finished!
Additional Learning Ideas
– Act out the story
– Ask the kids about a special time that God met them or helped them in a special way, and think of a way they can mark that place in a special way.
– Make an angel craft and place them around your child’s room for the day as a reminder that God has sent angels to be his messengers and to help us on while we are here on earth. Brainstorm other Bible stories in which angels were involved. (Daniel and the Lions Den, Mary, Joseph, etc.).
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Yum! Who knew lunch/snack time could be so educational.