Today’s lunch is going to be used to teach a bible story. John 6 tells the story of Jesus teaching a large crowd, 5,000 people. It became late in the day, and the disciples told Jesus to send the crowds home because they would need something to eat. Jesus said, “Let us feed them”. A boy was carrying 5 small barley loaves and 2 fish and offered them to Jesus. Jesus prayed and thanked God for the food, then started to break it up into pieces to put into baskets for the disciples to pass out to the people.
After everyone, all 5,000+ people had eaten their fill, there were 12 baskets left over! This is one of Jesus’ awesome miracles and today’s lunch celebrates that.
Teach the 5 loaves and 2 fishes story
1. Read the story aloud to the kids.
2. Talk about how the disciples must have felt, what the miracle showed them about Jesus, and some of the things they think the crowds of people might have said as they watched this happen and ate the food.
3. Pray and thank God for showing us his supernatural power through miracles like this one.
4. Act out the story together.
5. Make this lunch. Create the fish by combining 1/2 of a can of tuna with several tablespoons of mayonnaise or miracle whip. Here is a great recipe for homemade mayo made with much less fat and far better ingredients than store-bought. Shape two little fish using your fingers. Add a little raisin eye to each.
Serve with 5 “loaves” of bread. Shown are garlic chips, but you can serve any kind of bread that will be easy to eat with the tuna. I wanted something onto which the kids could spoon their tuna and eat. Also perfect on the side are celery sticks. The kids can spread tuna on the celery sticks to eat as well.
One can of tuna was plenty to make two plates like this, one for each of my girls.
I was very pleasantly surprised at how much they enjoyed this meal. They have not eaten much tuna, as it’s not something I regularly buy. However, tuna is perfect for making a fish, thus the “5 loaves and 2 fishes” lunch.
And now it’s time for the Weekly Kids Co-op!
As moms, we are constantly on the lookout for great teaching tools and resources to use with our children. I know I always benefit from seeing the creativity of others as they share lessons, activities, crafts, food, and more in their various blogs. Mommy bloggers have become popular for a good reason: information is power. Right, ladies?

The Weekly Kids Co-op is one of my very favorite such resources. I have been linking my snacks to this link party for months now, and I am excited to be able to co-host it here at Creative Kid Snacks.
If you are a blogger, link up your kid related posts to share with all of us eager beaver mommas. If you are a mom, take some time to look through all of the great ideas for teaching and playing with our kids. Pin what you love. Like I said before, information is power!
This party will take place every Thursday at Creative Kid Snacks. You will find it hosted on several other blogs, but the days the party goes live will vary from blog to blog.
Get ready for all the great ideas! Link, share, and enjoy!