The following post is something originally seen on my other blog, Sugar and Spice. I started it in 2011 and it is where I first blogged about the creative snacks I had started making for my daughter. Those snacks became so popular that they morphed into their own blog, which is Creative Kid Snacks.
I decided to post this entry here today because Easter is coming up, and this idea is a great way to use Easter egg coloring to teach the real Easter story to your kids. I hope you enjoy!
To make them you will need:
Explanation for each egg:
Passover Egg: Jesus had a final meal with his disciples called a Passover meal. He explained to his disciples God’s plan to save the world from their sins through Jesus. Jesus was going to have to die on a cross. Jesus told the disciples to eat the bread and remember his body that would be broken for them and drink from the cup and remember the blood that he would shed on the cross.
Cross Egg: Jesus was crucified on a cross. The cross is red to show that Jesus bled and died on the cross. When Jesus died on the cross, he paid the price for our sins by dying in our place. Jesus never sinned. He was perfect and took the punishment for all of our sins upon himself so that we could be forgiven.
Tomb Egg: Jesus’ body was placed in a tomb and it stayed there for 3 days. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead! The stone was rolled away by angels, and when the women came looking for Jesus, the angel said, “He is not here; He has risen!”. When Jesus rose from the dead it showed that he was who he said he was because he conquered death and that he had the power to forgive us from our sins.
Heaven Egg: Because of the Easter story, we will be with God in heaven when we die. Heaven will be a beautiful place filled with joy because we will be with God and see all of his glory!
(You can use your own words, of course, but that is roughly how we explained it last year).